Friday, August 8, 2008

It keeps crashing!

Because I am a "veteran" of online teaching, I was asked to be one of a handful of faculty piloting the new version of eCollege this fall in preparation for a big roll-out in the spring. Although there are some clear improvements (e.g., how discussion forums are displayed instead of using a pull-down menu, and the cleaner general look-and-feel of the interface), there are some challenges:

* The WYSIWYG interface is unstable. I'll set up a page, think it looks good, come back later and it is a mess.

* There is still no search functionality. This seems so basic that to have yet another major roll-out and not include the ability to search the content of a course is...well, crazy.

* It is constantly crashing on me! Or, it won't be able to load a page, and sends me an error message about trying back again later, or that for my own safety I need to log on again. This is quite maddening because I have to keep logging in, and I'm never sure about the status of my work.

I'm glad to have the new version, but "new" never seems to live up to what I hope for.

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